Velvet Viking Japanese Maple

Velvet Viking Japanese Maple

A Must-Have For Every Landscape: Velvet Viking Japanese Maple

As a professional chef, I know that presentation is one of the most important aspects of a dish. The same is true for landscaping. Without the right plants and trees, your outdoor space won't be as inviting or beautiful as it could be. One of the best trees to add to any landscape is the Velvet Viking Japanese Maple.

A Versatile Tree for Every Landscape

The Velvet Viking Japanese Maple is a great tree choice for many reasons. Its vibrant green leaves turn a brilliant red in the fall, adding a vibrant pop of color to your outdoor space. Its unique shape also makes it a great option for any size yard. This tree's size can range from 15-25 feet tall, making it easily adaptable to any landscape.

A Low-Maintenance Tree

The Velvet Viking Japanese Maple is also a great choice because it is low-maintenance. This tree is very drought-tolerant, so you don't need to worry about watering it too often. It also doesn't require much pruning, making it an ideal choice for busy homeowners.

A Long-Lasting Tree

This tree is also very hardy and can last for many years with proper care. It can live up to 40 years, so it's a great long-term investment for your landscape.

Adding the Velvet Viking Japanese Maple to Your Landscape

The Velvet Viking Japanese Maple is a great addition to any landscape. Its unique shape, vibrant color, and low-maintenance needs make it the perfect tree for busy homeowners. With proper care and maintenance, it can last for decades, adding beauty and value to your outdoor space.


The Velvet Viking Japanese Maple is a great choice for any landscape. Its unique shape, vibrant color, and low-maintenance needs make it a great tree for busy homeowners. With proper care and maintenance, it can last for decades, adding beauty and value to your outdoor space.

Velvet Viking Japanese Maple

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