Israeli Couscous In Rice Cooker

Israeli Couscous In Rice Cooker

Cook Israeli Couscous to Perfection in a Rice Cooker

Israeli couscous is a popular dish that is simple to prepare and delicious to eat. It is a type of pasta made from wheat flour and is often served with a variety of sauces, spices, and vegetables. While it can be cooked on the stovetop, many people prefer to use a rice cooker to ensure that their Israeli couscous turns out perfectly every time. Here are some tips on how to cook Israeli couscous in a rice cooker.

Choose the Right Rice Cooker

When selecting a rice cooker for cooking Israeli couscous, it is important to choose a model that has a non-stick inner pot and adjustable heat settings. This makes it easy to adjust the temperature for different types of couscous, such as white, brown, and whole wheat. A timer feature is also helpful because it allows you to set the cooker to turn off when the couscous is done cooking.

Measure the Ingredients

Once you have selected the right rice cooker, it is time to measure out the ingredients. Israeli couscous is usually prepared with a ratio of 1 part couscous to 2 parts liquid. The liquid can be either water or broth, depending on the desired flavor. It is also important to add a bit of salt and oil to the mixture to prevent the couscous from sticking to the pot.

Cook the Israeli Couscous

Once the ingredients are measured out, the next step is to place the couscous and liquid into the inner pot of the rice cooker. Make sure to stir the mixture before closing the lid. Then, set the cooker to the desired heat setting, usually “low” for white couscous, and “medium” for brown and whole wheat couscous. The timer can also be set at this time, if desired.

Fluff and Serve

Once the timer goes off, open the lid and fluff the couscous with a fork. You can also add any additional ingredients, such as herbs, spices, or vegetables. Then, serve the couscous with your favorite sauce or as a side dish to a main meal.


Cooking Israeli couscous in a rice cooker is a great way to ensure that the dish turns out perfectly every time. With the right rice cooker, the correct measurements of ingredients, and a bit of care, you can enjoy a delicious and fragrant dish of Israeli couscous in no time.

Israeli Couscous In Rice Cooker

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